Standing in the Gap for LIFE / Being the Hands and Feet of Christ
Ways to Support Life:
Supporting Pro-Life Clinics/Counseling Centers
Volunteer at Pro-Life organizations
Donate items/$ to single mothers-families in need
Provide housing/financial support for single mothers wanting to keep their children
Adopt or Become a Foster Care Parent
Live a life-style promoting life and care for every human and situation
Listen to people's stories & support them on their journey to wholeness
Support heathy families, mental heath and a healthy identity found in Christ

As part of the LIFE Mandate we believe in standing for life and ending abortion through various avenues of outreach, legislature, care and support. We are the pro-life generation.

Foster Care/Adoption
As part of the LIFE Mandate we believe fostering and adoption of children who need a safe home and to support those who do is close to the heart of God. A beautiful expression of life.
To learn more, are a family currently fostering-adopting or want to support others who are through practical ways or prayer - contact Linnea and Ellie.
Quick Facts: In Minnesota:
10,00 kids are in foster care
900+ kids are waiting for homes on any given day
185 kids go into foster care each week
2,000 teenagers age-out of the foster care system each week
Circus of the Heart Adoption Conference
Adoption through the county "tends" to be faster and offers a lot of support.
Film: The Drop Box Documentary (have tissues handy!)
Podcast: 'Adoption Now' hosted by April Fallon
Christian Alliance for Orphans (videos/info/advocacy/sermons)
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing..." -Psalm 68:5-6